Utilising Preview as your PDF tool for all scans on a Mac is an exceptional feature. The process is remarkably reliable, and once the data is obtained, it is straightforward to manipulate and organise the documents in the desired order. The only minor inconvenience I have encountered is that saving amended PDF documents can sometimes be frustrating. In the past, I would save the process as I worked, checking the document’s integrity by highlighting it and pressing the spacebar, which would display a preview of the document’s final appearance. However, this method has become unreliable, so I have switched to exporting as a PDF in Preview to ensure that the document is saved in the correct format. This approach prevents me from closing the edited file until I have reviewed the PDF preview.
Continue reading “Preview scans multiple pages but only shows the first one”Adobe Licensing Toolkit
I deal with a lot of Adobe offline clients and there always seems to be a challenge to reactivate a licence that has expired.
In this article I am going to show how to deploy an Adobe offline build using the Adobe licensing Toolkit and the adobe console to build the package to then download and deploy. Adobe call it Isolated activation packages.
This walk through will be for both Windows (Yuck) and Mac bases OS.
Tools your going to need
- Adobe Offline Licence from a reseller or direct from Adobe
- Adobe login details to the Admin Console
- Adobe Licensing Toolkit (Downloaded from the Adobe Console portal)
- Fast internet
- Remote Software (I am using Apple Remote software tool and Splashtop for Windows)
- Admin access to the machine that Adobe Cloud is going to be deployed to