Uninstall Sophos Endpoint on Mac

To uninstall Sophos your first point would be to see if you locate Remove Sophos Endpoint. This can be either run from launchpad or type it in spotlight. When you run that app it should then go away and uninstall the programme. It would be best to reboot the machine once the exercise is complete. I have found it does sometimes error out or fails but on a reboot this will tell you if you have managed to uninstall it. Help file link.

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OSX Sonoma and above OS silicon bases Macs VPN IKEv2 randomly disconnects

Are you encountering the random logout of VPN using IKEv2 on a WatchGuard running a Silicon Mac on OS Sonoma and above?

This one seems to keep popping up with an issue the Symptoms are VPN IKEv2 cuts you out at 24 min or 48m min. After testing this one on several machines I have found it cuts out on any silicon machine running Sonoma or above from a WatchGuard VPN. As for a fix well it’s a change to the VPN settings in the Watchguard and re deploy the profile to the Mac with the issue.

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Microsoft Defender for Mac

So Microsoft defender for mac has now appeared when you download and install the full Office 365 package for your mac.  According to some reports the software has been around since 2019; however its only now been include in the full build of 365 for Mac download. Looking at the programme you would think that it would be as simple setup as it if by default on a windows machine. 

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