Uninstall Sophos Endpoint on Mac

To uninstall Sophos your first point would be to see if you locate Remove Sophos Endpoint. This can be either run from launchpad or type it in spotlight. When you run that app it should then go away and uninstall the programme. It would be best to reboot the machine once the exercise is complete. I have found it does sometimes error out or fails but on a reboot this will tell you if you have managed to uninstall it. Help file link.

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Time Machine unable to backup

Time Machine is macOS’s built-in backup tool that automatically saves copies of your files, apps, and system settings. It allows you to restore lost files or roll back your Mac to a previous state. 9 out of 10 times this works smoothly with key features listed below when it works its brilliant. However the 10th time it not working you have to go through a sequence to trouble shoot why its not backing up.

Key Features of Time Machine

✅ Automatic Backups – Backs up your Mac hourly (last 24 hours), daily (last month), and weekly (older backups).
✅ Incremental Backups – Saves only new or changed files, not everything every time.
✅ Easy File Recovery – Lets you restore individual files or your entire system.
✅ Mac Migration – Use it to transfer your data to a new Mac.
✅ Works with External & Network Drives – Supports USB, Thunderbolt, NAS, and Time Capsule.

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Other methods to make a complete Backup of your Mac when Time Machine does not work

So you have to make a backup of your Mac and included all the apps, profiles etc. Your options are really Time Machine backup or a clone software. We take it you have a hard rive to use as the backup of the said device you require a backup of. The answer is also a little bit more complicated as what state the Mac is in, is the machine running an encrypted drive, is the drive removable, does the Mac boot etc. All valid questions.

For the drive removal option you can take out the drive place in an adaptor and plug into another machine and run one of the backup software solutions to get your backup. Sound simple and it is if you can get access to the drive hardware easily have the correct adapter to plug the drive in to a spare machine to do the backup.

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How to get a Magic Mouse work with a Windows PC

Getting an Apple Magic Mouse to work with a Windows PC is possible. You can either use the Apple Drivers from Boot Camp or go down the load of a 3rd party software. I found the 3rd party software has cost attached to their software. Either option requires some minor setup for the PC user.

Check Compatibility

  • Ensure your Windows PC has Bluetooth capability, either built-in or via a USB Bluetooth dongle.
  • If you’re using Magic Mouse 2, note that gestures will require additional drivers from the bootcamp software.
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