Uninstall Sophos Endpoint on Mac

To uninstall Sophos your first point would be to see if you locate Remove Sophos Endpoint. This can be either run from launchpad or type it in spotlight. When you run that app it should then go away and uninstall the programme. It would be best to reboot the machine once the exercise is complete. I have found it does sometimes error out or fails but on a reboot this will tell you if you have managed to uninstall it. Help file link.

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How to install and remove a Profile to a Mac for a Watchguard VPN

When you setup a Watchguard VPN using IKEv2 you will need to download the installer for file to setup the profile for your computer or smart phone. The Watchguard includes it all within a package build. It’s a zip file you just need to unzip it and then located the folder to the Operating System you are using. So in our case you open the MacOS_IOS folder and either double click or right click and install the WG IKEv2.mobileconfig profile.

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